

The library is located in an area that ensures a quiet and peaceful environment for students and faculty and will be opened from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Thursday and a librarian will be in the library, with instructor approval, students may access the library outside of these hours. 

On-line Reference Materials & LIRN Virtual Library and:

The virtual library is comprehensive, learning resource center providing information in print, electronic, and multimedia format to support the educational objectives of the Institute.

In addition to print media, books, online catalogs and resources can be accessed through:

Recommended Website Links

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

This is an important site to investigate if interested in quality improvement and tracking–a chief component of evidence-based practice. Published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it contains articles and research summaries.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

This site has information about diseases, conditions, and other public health matters.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

This site has general information about health conditions, clinical trials, and updates on the latest medical research

Nursing World

This site is published by the American Nursing Association and has information about becoming a nurse, ethics, maintaining credentials, and the latest news in the field.

Practical Clinical Skills

This website, designed by and for healthcare professionals, has several useful tools and tutorials. On this site you can listen to lung and heart sounds, practice taking blood pressure measurements (using an interactive tool), and review reading EKG/ECG tracings. 

Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section

The Medical Library Association has created this page to collect links to websites with information for nursing students and other allied health students.

Medscape Nurses

Create a free account with Medscape nurses for valuable information from different fields of nursing.

Learning Nurse Resources Network

Canadian agency involved in competency standard setting offers dozens of quizzes to help students reach their goals. 

This website from the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing at New York University’s College of Nursing has many resources for nurses working with an aging population.

HAI is the right place for career training

One of the lowest tuition rates in the area, so be excited for a quality education that ignites a successful career. At HAI we will do everything within our power to provide you the hands-on training you need to succeed in your career.



